Big Garden Goals & Daily Garden Gifts

If you are gardening this year along with me, I hope it is going well!  Gifts from the garden have been daily lately, and it truly is so magical. Curious what it looks like? It only gets 5 hours of sunlight but I don't let that stop me! 

 I have some big garden goals for my Ferndale backyard that I hope to start working on this fall 

  • Goal 1: Replace the grocery with one thing at a time. This year it has been herbs! We are so close to kale but I didn't factor in saving some for the winter months (it freezes really well) so we have only replaced it temporarily

  • Goal 2: Add more fruit trees into our space - cherry and more apples are on my list!

  • Goal 3: Add a bee hive and chicken coop (this is kind of going full urban homestead, but we are really excited about it)

  • Goal 4: Add more garden beds 

What are your big garden goals? (really, would love for you to share with me!)

 Maybe just getting started gardening is one? Maybe you try to add a perennial edible this year like berry bushes? 


Where ever you are at in your gardening journey, I hope it brings you as much joy as it does to me!


Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be

 - Andre De Shields  (any Hadestown fans here?)

Daily Garden Gifts

I like to harvest from my garden as needed, which is just about everyday depending on what im cooking or preserving. 


Here is what it looked like for me this past week: a cut flower bouquet, shishito & banana peppers, plenty of herbs, calendula, and 5 pounds of potatoes! 😳

How Can I Get More Help?

When I work with gardeners, especially those in the Detroit area that already have gardens, a lot of our work together is problem solving what’s going wrong in the moment. Whether it’s through my virtual coaching program or down in the dirt work with me one on one, if getting support in your garden this year is on your list, let’s talk.


Pest Control for the Kitchen Garden Made Easy


Tips for Utilizing Small Garden Spaces