The Best Way to Beat Pests in Your Garden

This is the story of a bed full of kale that was covered in cabbage loopers. In the natural vegetable garden.. what should we do?

Spoiler: I didn’t do anything!

I have found gardening to be quite simple just by understanding that the goal is to provide your plants a happy place to thrive so that they can WITHSTAND the damage from pests and disease.

This kale was given the best start, had a little support through hand picking pests and pruning, and eventually bounced back to full strength as the pests died off.

Your setup matters most, my friend!

Gardening has become very product-centric, both in gardening stores and sadly in gardening communities/ Facebook groups.

I want to encourage you to spend the the next few months setting yourself up for success next year by taking a look at the home you provide your plants.

My Tips:

  • A great set up includes a well blended and thriving soil, beds or containers of appropriate depth, and vertical gardening supports as necessary. Reassess how you can make changes to improve this in your garden next year (or reach out if you need help)

  • Learn how to prune your garden during the season to help your plants withstand pest and disease damage. If this is something you struggle with join a group coaching or schedule a private coaching session next season!

How Can I Get More Help?

When I work with gardeners, especially those in the Detroit area that already have gardens, a lot of our work together is problem solving what’s going wrong in the moment. Whether it’s through my virtual coaching program or down in the dirt work with me one on one, if getting support in your garden this year is on your list, let’s talk.


How To Grow in Michigan: Ginger


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